Ascension Valentine's Day Spiritual Gathering Aldebaran ET Life 02/14 by Theresa J Morris | Entertainment Podcasts

Ascension Valentine's Day Spiritual Gathering Aldebaran ET Life 02/14 by Theresa J Morris | Entertainment Podcasts: Bill M TRacer shares the Ascension Center Church of Universal Life Ministers sharing ancient history and new thought teachings of the akashic field with Theresa J Thurmond Morris, and others. Speaking on love and light among the akashic field metaphysical readers, the fae, the gifted who share their ACE Folklife, ACO, Alien COntact Org, Ascension Center Church and the megtaphysicians and all who want to believe in the holy spirit and the divine in us all! Make life better by feeling the love and spirit in a gathering. What can we co create? TJ


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